So our big project has started, you may be wondering how did VESPA come about and what does it mean!

First off – nothing to do with mopeds! VESPA stands for Village Energy Sustainability Project Analysis. As you can see, a mouthful!

So why do this project? I was approached to agree to electric car charging points being added to the community center. This did not seem logical to provide energy for electric cars straight from the fossil-fueled national grid!

It coincided with concerns I had as treasurer that the escalating energy costs were seriously jeopardizing the future of the building. Just to keep the lights on has cost at times over £1250 for one month, and I couldn’t see energy prices coming down!

So by having some ‘joined up thinking,’ I approached the Pride in Place in the Community team at South Norfolk Council about sourcing solar energy to support both the building AND the provision of the electric charging. They saw the sense immediately and sponsored a full feasibility study which was conducted in December last year.

The outcome was positive and proved the case for using solar energy coupled with battery storage. After many months of grueling work chasing down grant applications, we finally achieved sufficient funding to go ahead with 90% of what we wanted to achieve. Starting on the 19th of August, solar panels are being installed on both levels of the roof supported by 4 batteries (we want eventually to have 8), and the 100’s of expensive fluorescent light tubes will be replaced by LED lights in the main hall and conference room. Two dual charging points will serve four bays for electric vehicle recharging – directly from solar backed up by the batteries.

Phase two will be to add a further four batteries and to complete the LED lighting switch over throughout the rest of the building. Our goal is to return power to the National Grid and draw in an income stream.

It’s been a labor of love with the volunteer trustees all on board, and support and thanks go to many people who have supported this. In particular: Trevor Graham, district councilor; Barry Stone, county councilor; Andy Sexton and his Pride in Place team at SNDC; Jamie Sutterby, head of communities at South Norfolk District Council; and not least of all the fundraising done by the community center trustees through bingo nights, the hub bar, and other events that have enabled us to build reserves of our own to match the grant funding. The parish council has assisted by way of a loan, and we also thank NCC for fully funding the EVCP.

A marathon has been run and won, securing the future of this iconic and well-used building for decades to come.

Thank you all.

Lua Leggett

If you are a village or community organization and are interested in knowing more about the detail of the project plan behind this, then please contact

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